rishikesh – hindus pilgrim place

after several days in dheli, where not always sure about what thinking of people, finally i got my luggage and left that town. too many people everywhere.

Now I’m here in rishikesh, just for visiting a friend, but it was a good idea to come here. after all the days quite stressing before leaving, the very bad start in delhi with luggage and all, i’m posed in an ashram, very quiet, very basic, hanging around with Isa. Having the first bath in the ganges, its a really fresh mountain river! also here touristic (as you can imagine from the topic) but less busy den pahar ganj in delhi.

tomorrow hiking tour here around in the mountains, and then heading to nepal! via mahendra nagar. so far the most important news, stories will follow another day!

Happy easter-egg-searching!


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1 Response to rishikesh – hindus pilgrim place

  1. Nagna says:

    Dir nachträglich auch noch schöne Ostern.
    Wir hatten ja super Wetter hier die ganze Woche, aber jetzt regnet es wieder.
    Ich bin schon neugierig auf deine Fotos und Eindrücke.
    Viel Glück für die Überreise nach Nepal.

    lg Dagmar

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