Well well well, where to start?

Plans are changing, as always, and instead of heading to ABC with a french guy (who left me a message, that he would do the trek one week later) I first made a two days excursion to a nevertheless quite touristy “traditional” Gurung village together with three french girls/guys. the two girls, Celia and Celine, live at Embrun, about 40km from Gap… (and knew my ex-room mate because they were working together) I’m so sure, we will meet again, I really appreciated them a lot! Le meme delire toutes nous! The village itself was quite a tourist trap, we discussed a lot the manner how they promote their culture… if you want to stay there, you have obligatory to pay an all-inclusive-package – and this is quite expensive. but the way up was nice (in my opinion tooo hot, but well, I’m equipped for Annapurna Base Camp…)

So finally I started to ABC together with Fabian, a german Weltenbummler on a two-years-road-adventure around the world. As he is heading to Tibet, he wanted to acclimatise before leaving Pokhara.
All together it was 8 days we spent in the ACA, 5 days walking up in clouds and fog (well, sometimes there were some sun flares, and sometimes it was raining), not beeing able to see the mountains I’m here for… too bad. But at the ABC twice we had the chance to see the whole mountain Panorama! Magic! Amazing! MOUNTAINS. I love best the Annapurna I who has, in my opinion, the most beautiful face. When we were heading down, 3 days, there were LOTS more mountain sights – but behind us. I was turning around every five minutes: “There is a mountain!” So mainly, for me, the trek was a bit disappointing, once more most of the time it was “like at home”, but finally the Views were beautiful, and not to forget, I was in good company! Actually I’m happy to have left with Fabian instead of with the french guy, with whom I passed half a day (c,a n’a pas accroche). We were laughing a lot (like I didn’t do since I left home), discussing a lot, and I really enjoyed his presence. Even if our walking rhythm wasn’t the same (but how could have been? the initial condition were soooo different!), I never regretted. :) As we both love learning foreign languages, we made an intercultural language exchange, and Fabian was soooo laughing about my austrian language: “Hell, what are you teaching french kids?!?”

Today, relaxing, organising, looking for things to do in Pokhara, looking for a new Hiking Trouser (mine cracked on the very last day of ABC-Trek) and and and … tomorrow, ideas, plans, occasions to grap, and in a few days Kathmandu, really looking forward! maybe 1 or 2 stops inbetween – well just catch life with its proposials! :)

So long, looking forward hearing from you!

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