I’m in India!

my luggage isn’t… the most striking news from here… Got trapped in New Delhi, finally, for to wait for my luggage. Thanks, my cher friend, who always told me: Aeroflot? You’re crazy? You will not have your baggage. For the first time in my life my luggage was checked through, and for the first time it doesn’t work. So I will use my insurance (thanks, mum!) and buy two or three things I need now.

After having been to Moscow, where there still is snow round the city, now I’m here in New Delhi, even at 3 in the morning 28 degrees.  

that’s the news from today… maybe I will leave to Rishikesh tomorrow, instead of passing my days with he Couchsurfer who didn’t answer, afterwards I already have ideas where to go in Nepal.

have a good day


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2 Responses to I’m in India!

  1. DugeNoux says:

    Humhum… Aeroflot… Ca c’est fait…

  2. Nagna says:

    Hey, ich bin da jetzt wieder dabei und neugierig auf weitere Neuigkeiten.
    Ich wusste nicht, dass du so oft umsteigen musstest.
    Was hast du für Kleidung mit.

    lg Dagmar

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